Saturday, May 23, 2015

Chapter 2 Glove Implementation 54 MPU-6050

2.6 MPU-6050

2.6.4 Accelerometer
In our project we will use accelerometer only because it has the
capability to measure the orientation about its axis, so we will focus on the accelerometer.

Computing orientation from an accelerometer relies on a constant
gravitational pull of 1g (9.8 m/s2) downwards.
If no additional forces act on the accelerometer (a risky assumption), the magnitude of the acceleration is 1g, and the sensor’s rotation can be computed from the position of the acceleration vector If the Z-axis is aligned along the gravitational acceleration vector, it is impossible to compute rotation around the Z-axis from the accelerometer.

Digital accelerometers give information using a serial protocol like I2C , SPI or USART; analog accelerometers output a voltage level within a predefined range (MPU6050 use I2C protocol)
Accelerometer has a zero-g voltage level, we can find it in the data
sheet of the sensor (in our sensor its zero-g voltage is ±50 mg for X and Y axis and ±80 mg for Z axis ) , Accelerometers also have a sensitivity, usually expressed in mV/g (MPU-6050 accelerometer has sensitivity scale factor of 16284 LSB/g)

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