Friday, May 22, 2015

chapter 1 Introduction 11 system hardware

The accelerometer output and the voltage signal are converted to
digital data by the inbuilt ADC of the Arduino uno microcontroller.
The digital data output from the microcontroller is sent to
application subsystem wireless by the ZigBee.
In the other side the application subsystem contain another ZigBee
that works as the receiver that receives the signals from the hand
The received signals are fed to Arduino uno microcontroller that is
programmed to perform specific function such as controlling on/off
Depending on the output voltage from the Flex sensors and the
accelerometer, the Arduino microcontroller turn on/off the devices
that connected to the relay circuit based on the program loaded to
In the processing subsystem the Arduino microcontroller checks
the ADC output and performs the program that has the lookup
table that contain the all character and corresponding data.
If the signal that generated by sensors in the hand subsystem is
corresponding to character in the lookup table, the terminal in
computer is used to display the corresponding character.

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